Older LVM code does not play well with the very latest LVM2 configs inside RHEL 7.4 #################################################################### If you use the configuration file from lvm2 >= 2.02.171 with any earlier lvm, all lvm utilities break with the error: Invalid units specification This happens because lvm.conf contains a new value: ( Used to default to "h" ) # Default value for --units argument. units = "r" The problem is that older version of LVM do not understand this and fail with this error message: Invalid units specification ################################################################### METHOD #1 The lvm.conf gets loaded into memory at initialization time. Editing the file does not change the behavior. A reboot is required Commenting or editing that one line and rebooting resolves the issue. METHOD #2 Replacing our static binary with the new OS version in 7.4 a.) mv /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/lvm.static /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/lvm.static.old b.) ln -s /sbin/lvm /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/lvm.static